World password day

 World password day history

=Security scientist mark Burnett encouraged people to have "password days" where they have to update important password in book called perfect password. Intel security took forward this decision and declared first Thursday in may as world password day in 2013.

=password day meant to spread awareness so that people can create strong password 

=tips to create strong password

1. create a strong password by changing password twice or thrice a year 
2. turn on two authentication for important account
3. never keep or store password in computer or any other place where others can read it properly 
4. always remove temporary internet files

=common password which are easy to crack 


it takes less than one second 


it takes less than one second 

3. abc123

it take less than 3 second 

4. 111111

it takes less than one second 

=world password day timeline

- 1961 

MIT created the computer password so that everyone can use computer system 


Public key cryptography creates so more than two people can authenticate each other 


A study shows guessing password through personal information is easier 


two-factor authentication adopted 

=why world password day is important

1. So much our personal information is on internet. make sure the password should very strong 

2. We all have heard about password managers and multi-factor authentication. today is good day to educate ourself.

3. The days of writing password on diary or copy are gone. There are so many low priced password managers which store your password without any issue 

=Future of passwords

With wide spread of weak password, it is understood that IT industry shifting towards Password less future.replacing password from certain product and service is possible, but password less world is long way to go.multi-factor authentication service depends on password as first factor.These authentication service have already proven to attacked, such as sim swap attack 

-Any organization that relies on password, today or in future, have to follow this steps given below 
1. Perform a password audit to understand password related problems in your environment 
2. Make sure to creates strong and long password 
3. Always detect and block the password which can compromised easily

 Generally, people are not too serious when it comes to passwords to keep an online account secure. They think that strong or unique passwords will be difficult to remember. That's why people turn to easy passwords, but by keeping easy passwords themselves make their account insecure. The more complex and stronger the password, the more secure your online account will be. According to Keeper Security, 81 percent of data breaches are caused by protecting weak passwords.

password (1Password) is quite popular as a password manager. It protects your online account better. It was originally developed in 2005 as a password manager for Mac computers. Now 1Password offers extensions for all major browsers, along with Windows, Android and iOS. It has more than 15 million users worldwide. Although 1Password does not offer a free plan. Users can take a 30-day free trial with any paid plan.

Talking about password manager, LastPass is a better option for users. It provides a lot of features for free. In such a situation, most of the users can get everything they need without paying anything. It can be accessed through most browsers. LastPass was created in 2008 by four developers who were tired of encrypting and decrypting their password documents every time they updated them. In the year 2015, SaaS was bought by the company LogMeIn.

If you want more security to protect your online account, Dashlane Password Manager may also be an option. It offers the option of dark web scanning for data leaks, secure virtual private network (VPN) and password changer. The French company Dashlane launched its password manager in 2009, which has become a major player in the market today. It offers both a robust free plan and a paid plan with additional security support for its users

 The importance of passwords in the digital world is most known to those people who have many accounts on social media. It is not possible to lock in this world of social media but strong password can definitely secure your data. Everyone needs a password for their email, social media accounts, digital footprint and more. In today's world, many people keep many types of passwords, such as 1,2,3 or ABC@124 or 123456, while many put their name and number in front of it or their date of birth

Is this a phishing attack?
Phishing attacks are carried out by people who steal the usernames, passwords, and credit card information of others. This is done with the help of electronic medium. Suppose you get a mail from Apple in which it is said that your password is required and if not given then your account will be locked forever. You click on that link and enter your other information along with the password, it goes directly to the hacker after which your entire account is hacked

How to avoid phishing attack?
Google has organized a quiz on this special day today. You can open this quiz by visiting this link. The purpose of conducting this quiz is to give you information about hackers, while telling you how to avoid these things. The most important thing about this quiz is that all the information has been given in it to keep your account safe. On the other hand, if we talk about scams, then these scams have also implicated government agencies and think tanks. With the help of the quiz, you will be able to learn 

=Take password privacy seriously 
We hope world password day inspires you and your organization  so you take your data security very important

So, atleast we have given you information about world password day and give password generator tips

We hope you find is helpful as this blog contains lot of information about password like how one can make strong password or what steps one have to take so that personal data can be hacked or easily stolen 

                             THANK YOU VERY MUCH 



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