Is data privacy biggest myth ?

How Data privacy is a biggest myth?

Many security analyst claim that human error is biggest challenge in data privacy and security. data scientist said  protection of data is not easy. security experts to create a security awareness and training  program that help empower employee and reduce risk, however still there is always lit bit of risk as it involves human and machines but this risk can be overcome by some taking innicative 

= What information to keep  private according to experts?

1. location - most websites collects your IP address whenever you visit any site , this how they get your data and can track you easily 
2.Browsing history - search engine and other search-enabled service keep track of your sites which you visited 
3.Search history- search history also collects your data 
4.Audio - Devices which are equipped with microphone, this can lead to fear that your voice activated assistant might be listening it on private conversation 

= Ways to increase data security 

1.Multi-factor authentication- Also know as two factor authentication used by many service that require you to provide at least two form of identification 
2.Data breach notification -it notify user in event of security breach involving personal data 
3.Password managers- password managers keep track of all your password and even suggest unqiue password

=Risks to data security can come from:

1. using a internet connection that is not secure 
2. Visiting a site with an insure URL
3. Reusing password 
4. data breaches to service which you have shared personal information 

=Data privacy issue and solutions

problem - advertiser track your movement across the internet 
solution - block third party cookies 

problem - you search history isn't private
solution - switch to private search engine 

problem - apps constantly track your location 
solution - change your location setting 

problem - website store you information for indefinite  amount of time 
solution - delete stored data  

=Laws and regulations governing data privacy (USA)

As online advertising is become popular, advertiser have faced pressure at the IT industry.national and state levels to provide more transparency regarding data privacy
-2017: apple began automatically blocking third party cookies on safari 
-2018: the European union General data protection regulation (GDPR) require website to get user consent before placing long-lived cookies,went into effect.this law applies to all companies that collect data in Europe
-2020: the California Consumer privacy Act (CCPA) went into effect.this law gives California resident the right to know about data have gone to them , so that they can delete that information
-2021 : Apple introduced a new feature called app tracking, which require iPhone apps to get your permission 

=There are some of key legal provisions which focuses on privacy protection

Key legislation
-Information technology Act,2000
-Information technology rule,2011
-The rule and regulations that govern the following sectors 
-Medical and health care 
-The Right to information act,2005 
-General data protection regulation GDPR

=A critical analysis on data protection and privacy Issues

Data is the new currency in this newly forms of technology are emerging and new application are being developed.there are several questions regarding this? Whom does such data belongs to? Who have approach to data? Because of all this questions,jurists all over the world are still trying to understand there notions 

Nowadays situation are very critical, Government are demanding approach to data from corporate and peoples. 

At present, India doesn't have any comprehensive legislation that deals with protection of data and privacy.

The policies which are exist. Essentially,are sectorial in nature. These sectorial legislation are related provisions IT act 2000, provide rules regulate gathring information

Jurists all over the world are still trying to understand these notion of laws. 

Data plays an important part in today world's and it's protection have become a huge workload because of several loopholes and how data can be breached and it's security. Data protection is an essential law and shall be constantly update to protect the digital data of individual or company.

There are several privacy issues in all over world which have to look out 

=The biggest challenges in global data protection 

data has powered our biggest and most rewarding technologies over last decade. but there is challenge with protecting user's data. to understand importance of data privacy, first we should see the biggest challenge a organization face 

=The growth of a data privacy 

Data is growing very fast. New data is created very second. organization must not only user data but also sensitive information. a public tracking site report nearly 9 lakh data stolen or lost from 2015 to 2018

=Cost of maintaning data 

A data breach cost a million of dollars to organizations. data traffaccing site tells total of breach from 2015 to 2018 is 3 million dollars 

To overcome this issue organizations should make a investment on number of key security technologies 

=An advanced technology landscape Iot and mobile 

IoT is certainly a area for security proffessionals. a study found that 90% of information security are professionals are only concerned about IOT than security network

=Human error creates complexity 

Everyday human error can affect data privacy and protection. human error is biggest challenge is data security. idiots humans use ill mannerd password, use dumby website or accept third party cookies.


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